Quote of the Day

"Be who you are and say what you feel!
Those who mind don't matter
and those matter don't mind!"
Dr. Seuss

Monday, February 28, 2011

Another day, another tea!?!?!

After sharing tea with friends and coworkers....I decided to branch out to friend's daughters.....we had such fun!   The girls played dress-up and tried pomegrante tea with fortune cookies (they were all I had on hand at the moment!)   Mommas enjoyed as much as the girls.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Anxious for Spring!

After a week of beautiful weather; I can begin to dream of garden shows, Martha's Bloomers, and Brenham's Rose Emporium(2 of the most wonderful east Texas garden centers ever!) I know I am rushing the season just a bit.....but,oh....how I love to dig in the dirt!
My rose bushes are beginning to bud, and I have seen the daylillies peeking out from under the mulch. I do however, remember the snow last Easter!
So, I must content myself with garden sites on the web and my pictures of last year's beauties.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Tea is for sharing!

After having a wonderful learning experience on the "art of tea" last week, I decided to share with co-workers. We've had delightful cups of the most aromatic teas from a great little store, perhaps you have heard of it? Teavana! Thanks to my new friend,Robbie--who introduced myself and a couple of other friends to my new obsession with TEA~